New mothers are very excited to finally meet their little angel after a long wait.
1. Doubt that you can be a good mother
Photo: your health
Every good mother worries about whether they can adequately care for their children.
2. Avoiding family and friends
People experiencing postpartum depression may feel depressed and unable to care or accept the attention of loved ones.
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3. Lose joy in things they were once very interested in
If someone you know was once a movie buff or yoga lover but is no longer interested in the things they were so interested in before giving birth, it could be a symptom of postpartum depression.
4. Loss of appetite or overeating
After giving birth, if a woman experiences a significant change in her taste, it may be something you should worry about.
5. thoughts of wanting to harm yourself or others
Photo: diply
This can be considered the most worrying sign for new mothers suffering from postpartum depression.
6. Cry a lot
Bringing new life to life is a very emotional thing, but if a woman cries excessively, it seems like something is going on inside her.
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7. Can’t sleep or sleep a lot
Photo: the sun
Surely, the sleeping habits of a new mother will change more or less.
8. Inability to concentrate or make decisions
Photo: daily active
Having another person to take care of certainly takes a lot of physical and mental energy, but that’s not the main reason why you can’t think straight to the heart of things.
9. easily angry
Although being a parent to a newborn can be stressful, it doesn’t have to be a reason to be yelling and irritable all the time.
10. Suffering from inexplicable physical pain
Photo: Unsplash
Not only mentally, people who have just given birth will certainly feel significant changes in their body.