15 quotes about French life

15 quotes about French life 2

When talking about France, we certainly don’t just talk about romance or love because France is known around the world for its magnificent capital Paris, the capital of light of the world, the land of perfume, wine and wine.

Let’s join the French in contemplating life more through life quotes and famous idioms below:

Cultural world

Handbook `Living Like a Parisian`

15 quotes about French life

Happiness is often the only thing we can give when we don’t have it, and we can receive it when we give it away.

1. “La vie est faite de petit bonheur”- Life is made up of small joys.

2. Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu’on puisse donner sans l’avoir et c’est en le donnant qu’on l’acquiert.

3. Rester c’est exister mais voyager c’est vivre.

15 quotes about French life

Life is made up of small joys

4. À vaincre sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire.

5. Petit à petit l’oiseau fait son nid.

15 quotes about French life

If only youth could understand, If only old age could do it.

6. Vouloir, c’est pouvoir.

7. Il faut réfléchir avant d’agir.

8. Tous pour un, un pour tous.

15 quotes about French life

If you want to do it, there’s a way

9. Rien ne pese tant que un secret.

10. Rien ne sert de courir il faut partir à point.(No need to rush, just be on time.) ‐ La Fontaine

11. Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait.

15 quotes about French life

No need to rush, just be on time.

12. Tout passé, tout cassé, tout lassé.(Everything will pass, everything will break, everything will be lost/ Life is impermanent) ‐ Anonymous .

15 quotes about French life

Tout passé, tout cassé, tout lassé.

15 quotes about French life

Tips for living

7 things to learn from the French lifestyle

13. Suiver votre coeur.

14. Après la pluie , le beau temps.

15. Il vaut mieux faire que dire.

15 quotes about French life

Suiver votre coeur – Follow your heart and never regret that choice

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