13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster 4

Obviously losing weight and maintaining good health doesn’t have to be miserable by spending hours at the gym or controlling an overly strict diet.

Let’s start finding a slim figure with ELLE with the following small changes!

1. Replace juice with smoothies

Unlike juices, smoothies will retain fiber to help you absorb nutrients more slowly, creating a feeling of fullness for a longer time.

Photo: Freepik.

2. Concentrate when eating

Studies show that it takes up to 20 minutes for the stomach to signal fullness.

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

Photo: Freepik.

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Simple habits help you lose weight sustainably

3. Have a reasonable diet

Depending on each person’s constitution, there should be a suitable diet to help lose weight more effectively.

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

Photo: Freepik.

4. Use slow-absorbing starch (slow carb)

Fast-absorbing carbs like breakfast cereals often lack fiber and are high in added sugars that give you an instant source of energy.

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

Photo: Freepik.

5. Limit foods high in sugar

This is a type of skin that you should limit because it will make you susceptible to weight gain.

13 small changes in your living habits to help you lose weight faster

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

List of protein-rich foods you should know

6. Prioritize protein for breakfast

A source of quality protein provided in the morning will help you ensure energy and control appetite.

Photo: Freepik.

7. Don’t skip lunch

You would think that not eating food at lunch would help reduce calorie consumption and eating time.

8. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep will cause the stress hormone cortisol to increase, making you stressed and tired.

Photo: Freepik.

9. Drink enough water

There is a fact you probably don’t know that when you absorb 0.5 liters of water, your body will increase its calorie burning rate by 24-30% compared to normal.

Photo: Freepik.

10. Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages

Eating and exercising will be less effective if you absorb alcoholic beverages into your body.

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

What is the appropriate time to drink water to support weight loss?

11. Walk more during the day

Walking more will help you burn calories and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as reduce the effects of sitting for too long.

Photo: Freepik.

12. Use stairs

Using the stairs instead of the elevator will give you the opportunity to exercise more if you don’t have time to exercise every day.

Photo: Freepik.

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Walking: a simple way to lose weight you never expected

13. Do a little Cardio

Proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease, cardio is also especially effective in reducing fat accumulation in the body.

Photo: Freepik.

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