Choose benign beauty from Bio LAK – the first Vietnamese cosmetic brand to achieve international Non-GMO certification

Choose benign beauty from Bio LAK - the first Vietnamese cosmetic brand to achieve international Non-GMO certification 2

Non-GMO certification: the basis for choosing benign products

As a generation of wise consumers, we are increasingly concerned about the origin and safety of products consumed in the body.

Consumers can identify and choose non-GMO products through labels certified by the Non-GMO Project organization.

Previously, transparency requirements on genetic modification were only strict in the food industry, but now they have spread to the beauty industry.

Bio LAK – The pioneering Vietnamese cosmetics brand successfully received international Non-GMO certification

In the field of beauty, there are countless options, Bio LAK is a suggestion for those who favor the trend of body care with products from plants, benign, and following the trend of sustainable development.

Going through a strict evaluation process from raw materials to production processes, Bio LAK’s first products have been certified Non-GMO such as Bach Thien Huong flower distilled water, Ngoc Lan flower distilled water, purple powder.

Choose benign beauty from Bio LAK - the first Vietnamese cosmetic brand to achieve international Non-GMO certification

Bio LAK products are Non-GMO certified.

Non-GMO Project Verified certification is the result of Bio LAK’s strictly controlled production process from raw materials to finished products.

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