Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017 0

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The 8 best Korean movie soundtracks of the past 10 years

2017 was not necessarily a successful year for the Korean drama industry when, except for the blockbuster Goblin at the beginning of the year, most of the remaining films did not create as strong an effect as expected.

Join ELLE Vietnam to review the 9 Korean drama genres that led the trends in the past year!

1. Fiction

It seemed like it had been `disgraced` in the Korean drama industry for a long time, but in 2017, the fantasy genre had a strong resurgence with a series of works such as Bride of Water God.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

The Legend of the Blue Sea, Goblin and Bride of Water God are three typical films for the fantasy genre of 2017. (Photo: SBS, tvN

The strength of this film genre is that the screenwriter can unleash his creativity, adding fantasy elements to increase the drama of the story as well as erase the distance of time and space and break the principles of physics.

2. Time travel

Time travel or `time travel` is not a new topic for Korean dramas, but films in this genre still have a certain appeal to the audience.

Besides movies that are loved by a large audience such as The Best Hit, Go Back Couple or Tunnel, there are still movies that do not achieve ratings like

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“The Best Hit,” “Go Back Couple,” and “Tunnel” are “time-travel” movies that are loved by a large audience.

The common point of successful time-travel movies is that they address many social issues and have flexible and solid scripts.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

Overly emotional, melodramatic films like “Tomorrow with You” or “Into the World Again” are not attractive enough to hold the audience.

3. Reincarnation/Reincarnation

Reincarnation or reincarnation are ancient beliefs of Eastern people.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

Possessing two A-list stars, great beauty Lee Young Ae and actor Song Seung Hun, `Saimdang Light’s Diary` still failed in terms of ratings because the plot was too long.

With this genre, filmmakers can combine both ancient and modern settings with love stories spanning hundreds, even thousands of years.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

Black Knight (Dark Knight).

Of the three films of this genre, Goblin is the most highly rated work for its rigor and logic.

4. Devil

Ghost movies are a part of the fantasy genre.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“Black” is a movie with a pretty good script, but because it clashed with the idea of “While You Were Sleeping,” which was shown at the same time, this movie became “bad.”

The existence of the soul after death is still a mystery to scientists, so films themed about the third world with the appearance of ghosts in the human world always make the audience curious.

5. One actor takes on two roles

One of the ways to prove an actor’s ability is to take on multiple roles in a work at the same time.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“I Am Not A Robot,” “Melo Holic,” and “Defendant” all have actors taking on two roles at once.

If rookie Chae Soo Bin (I Am Not A Robot) is considered to have performed well, `seasoned` players like Jo Jung Suk (Two Cops) and Uhm Ki Joon (Defendant) have made the audience go from

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

Cultural world

Looking back at the list of best action movies of 2017

6. Legal

Legal themes have become extremely popular in the Korean film industry recently and seem to have become the film genre with the most `numbers`.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“Witch’s Court,” “Suspicious Partner,” and “While You Were Sleeping” all have prosecutor protagonists.

Originating from the injustices and crimes that exist in life, films on legal topics always give audiences a more multi-dimensional view of social issues while conveying the dream of justice.

7. Prison

Although the prison theme is a branch of legal films, films that only deal with prison life tend to develop in their own direction and become more and more attractive to audiences.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“Prison Playbook” is bringing a new breeze to the Korean drama industry when it tells about the life in prison of a “national” baseball player.

The attraction of these films comes from the novelty factor, because prison life is still a mystery to most people.

8. Dramatic romance

If the romantic melodrama genre is too familiar to Korean film fans, the dramatic romance genre will definitely be a breath of fresh air to attract audiences instead of the `smooth` films that are becoming more and more boring.

Reviewing 8 Korean drama trends dominating the small screen in 2017

“Strong Woman Do Bong Soon” (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon) with two main actors Park Hyung Sik and Park Bo Young. (Photo: Soompi)

One of the important factors ensuring the success of this Korean drama series is the good interaction between the main actors in addition to the `just right` combination with dramatic details about criminal crimes.

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