Portrait of Pham Hoai Nam
1. Someone asked me if I was sad that my daughter didn’t have any artistic blood like her father.
2. I haven’t been back to visit my mother for a long time, life goes in a cycle, a pre-made schedule and my mother doesn’t seem to be part of that schedule.
It’s not because I don’t love my family, because I don’t miss my mother, but because every day we live, we set the goal to strive to make tomorrow better than today, living conditions easier, and capacity in all aspects strong.
3. I have a friend, looking from the outside, one can’t help but covet what he has: a good job, high income, a house he just bought and still paying for it, but it’s something that many people don’t even dream of.
modern with a solution that isn’t modern at all: He loves… a man and doesn’t dare tell his family.
In his mother’s eyes, my friend was always the perfect man and she always said that a girl would be very lucky to marry him.
about your condition.
My friend couldn’t find a way to resolve his impasse, he was afraid his mother couldn’t get over it once he told the truth.
4. My daughter is learning to play the piano. How to tune the strings has been shown many times, but the music still sounds rough because the strings are wrong all the time.
The last time I visited, my mother told me not to come home much, to play but my mind would be somewhere else, I could just call her whenever I remember, I think my mother’s solution was quite good.
My friend was out with his boyfriend when his mother saw him. She made dinner and told him to invite him home for her to meet.
Do I need a conclusion to this story?
Pham Hoai Nam