How to purify the body with natural ingredients

How to purify the body with natural ingredients 2


Purifying the body with lemon water, known as “the master of body purification”, is one of the most popular and famous ways to cleanse the body due to support from celebrities.

Lemon water is one of the popular and famous ways to cleanse the body

– To make a glass of lemonade, mix 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and half a teaspoon of organic maple syrup with about 300ml of pure water.

Apple and ginger

This way of detoxifying the body is not as harsh as with lemon water, the implementation time is also shorter – only 1 day a week – and you can snack during the detox period.

How to purify the body with natural ingredients

Purify the body with apples and ginger

– To make a detox drink from apples and ginger, mix or grind pureed ginger and psyllium peel powder in a 1:1 ratio with about 250ml of fresh apple juice (can add .

– After drinking this mixture, you should drink plenty of water during the day to help the digestive system work better.

Salty water

Using salt water is also a popular way to purify the body.


How to purify the body with natural ingredients

Salt water is a popular way to detoxify the body.

– To make a brine solution, mix 2 teaspoons of unrefined and non-iodized sea salt with about 2 liters of warm purified water.

– After that, you should lie on your right side for half an hour so that the saline solution flows into the small intestine more easily.

– Sometimes, acute diarrhea and vomiting will occur after you drink a saline solution.

– People with poor digestive systems or kidney problems should not use this method of detoxifying the body.

See more:

Detox purifies the body and loses weight properly

Purifying the body: what types of water should you drink in the morning

3-day Detox menu: Gently purify the body

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