How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge

How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge 6

How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge

1. Clean your skin daily

Washing your face every day helps keep your skin clear and clean.

Depending on your skin, choose the appropriate facial cleanser.

Washing your face once in the morning after waking up helps remove excess oil that accumulates while you sleep. Washing your face once before going to bed helps remove dirt and sebum on the skin, the main cause of acne.

An indispensable step in facial cleansing is facial makeup remover to remove makeup layers on the skin.

Clean skin daily

2. Rose water helps balance the skin

Using rose water every day after washing your face is also one of the basic facial beauty methods to help tighten pores and balance the natural pH of your facial skin.

3. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your face twice a week helps remove impurities, dirt, horny spots, and dead cells on the skin, keeping the skin clean and bright.

How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge

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4. Apply mask

After exfoliating, reward your skin with a mask to nourish and brighten your skin.

5. Use sunscreen

Using sunscreen is as important as drinking water every day.

How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge

Use sunscreen

6. Use lotion

Skin care cream helps replenish water to the skin, reduces water loss in the epidermis, reduces pore size and fades wrinkles.

7. Regular activity

Sleep 8 hours a day.

8. Drink lots of water

Drinking lots of water is the most economical way to beautify your facial skin.

How to beautify facial skin with 8 basic knowledge

Drink a lot of water

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