How to maintain long-term friendships?

How to maintain long-term friendships? 2

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The digital era and the explosion of social networks have created a large network of connections, we can easily find friends, get to know each other and share with each other through messages left and updated statuses.

(Photo: Beatpie’s Miscellany)

Many people sometimes get confused and confused about why I look good, I can talk to everyone, I do many things but I don’t have a single close friend?

Keep “connected” status

How to maintain long-term friendships?

(Photo: Sara Ligari)

“Friends are the family we have the right to choose” – Edna Buchanon.

Familiarity and comfort with close friends will sometimes make us cross the line of connection and forget to express our emotions.

How to maintain long-term friendships?


From friendship to love – should or shouldn’t?

Controlling the “I”

How to maintain long-term friendships?

(Photo: Anna Kovecses)

Arguments and disagreements are inevitable in friendships.

Emotional balance

How to maintain long-term friendships?

(Photo: Malika Favre)

Honesty is important and requires a certain place in any relationship.

Hope more, expect less

How to maintain long-term friendships?

(Photo: Naomi Wilkinson)

In any relationship, we often have the habit of imposing our own expectations on the other person and sometimes we are disappointed because the results are not as expected.

Respect each other’s freedom

(Photo: Grace Helmer)

Please understand that we cannot be with our friends 24/7.

Be a source of positive energy for each other

(Photo: Atelierdore)

Hidden competition between friends is not absent and obsession with each other’s achievements is often accompanied by negative comments.

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