Donald Trump’s speech at the US Presidential inauguration

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration 1

At 2:50 PM Vietnam time on November 9, 2016, Mr. Donald Trump’s speech at the inauguration of the new US President at New York City headquarters right on election night left many impressions on everyone.

“Thank you very much, sorry for making you wait so long.

I just received a call from former Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

Cultural world

Hillary Clinton’s political career path

Now is the time for us to bring together all divisions, if any.

This is when I want to inform everyone that I am officially the president of the United States, and this job is really important to me.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

This is a momentous event for all Americans from every race, religion, background, creed, who expect a government that can serve them.

Working together, we will urgently rebuild our country, renewing the American dream.

That’s also what I want to do for our country.

We will fix our internal problems, and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals everywhere.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

We also need to take care of our veterans, who have been so loyal, and I have had the opportunity to get to know many of them throughout the past 18-month election journey.

We have a very big economic plan.

America will not accept anything less than the best.

I want to tell the world community that, while we will always put America’s interests first, we will also treat everyone fairly.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

O all people and all nations, we will seek common ground, not hostility;

First, I want to thank my parents, who I know are watching over me right now.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

It was really difficult.

Also Kellyanne and Chris, Rudy, Steve and David.

I want to extend a special thank you to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

Many, many other words of thanks that new US President Donald Trump sent to everyone in his 15-minute speech full of gratitude, including law enforcement and other people who have worked silently.

“… The people who enforce the law in New York, they are also here tonight.

And I can only say that, although this election has come to an end, our work has only just begun.

Tonight was truly wonderful.

Thank you very much.

You can read more in English here.

Donald Trump's speech at the US Presidential inauguration

Cultural world

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