Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists 4


Yu Cai is a Chinese female illustrator, currently living and working in Venice, Italy.

Yu Cai mainly depicts urban life in his paintings, reflecting the hustle and bustle of modern life that surrounds people.

Yu Cai is influenced by the styles of vaporwave, city pop and popular culture of the 80s and 90s. Pink is the color she uses the most in her paintings, because this is also the color that Yu Cai

Photo: Instagram/@yucai_pink


Ritvik Takkar started his journey in the world of digital art as a graphic designer. Gradually, he found his passion and switched to creating surreal digital artworks on Photoshop.

To create a dreamy, unreal space in his works, Ritvik Takkar cleverly uses different shades of pink and purple.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@ritviktakkar


What if one day you woke up and saw the world around you covered in pink?

Just very ordinary scenes, from the subway station, a small corner of the restaurant to the clear sea surface, sparkling with sunlight, but carrying a strange charm when covered with colorful colors.

For Nathan, pink is “a joyful, charming and warm color,” but rarely appears in the real world.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@nathan.head


What color is your dream?

Pink and orange are used sparingly and skillfully by female artist Lily to create magical and dreamy spaces.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@sugarmints

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

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Harmoniously combining painting styles that blend retro and futuristic elements, including synthwave, vaporwave and cyberpunk, Andy Harbeck – an artist from Los Angeles – has created captivating works of art.

Visiting the Instagram page @andyharbeck, viewers can easily see that Andy mainly uses a color palette of two main colors: purple and pink to create a magical effect for his works.

Andy Harbeck is also an award-winning filmmaker currently working at the famous animation studio – DreamWorks Animation as Head of Character Creation and Supervisor of Character Development.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@@andyharbeck


Zoe is an illustration artist with nearly 20k followers on Instagram.

Pink – the color of love – is cleverly used by Zoe in her paintings to depict the couple’s love story, bringing a feeling of closeness and warmth to the viewer.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@zoekxart


Like Andy Harbeck, Angel Acevedo – a freelance artist from Columbia – also uses different shades of purple and pink to illustrate his works.

From ordinary photos, Angel Acevedo has transformed and added a bit of magical elements of moonlight and floating clouds to create poetic landscapes, alleviating the suffocating feeling of the scenes.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@funglazie


Danner Orozco is also an artist pursuing the vaporwave and synthwave styles, so his works also contain dreamy and surreal elements, with nostalgic colors of the popular culture of the 80s.

Danner Orozco’s works depict bustling and bustling urban life.

When looking at the paintings shared by Danner on his personal page @yagedan.png, viewers seem to be lost in the world of dreams, where reality and illusion interact harmoniously, with an indescribable charm.

Admire the pink world on the Instagram accounts of talented artists

Photo: Instagram/@yagedan.png

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