7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby 1

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and plays an important role in the body’s detoxification process.

Photo: @davikah.

Why does skin need detox?

Facial skin also has a self-purification mechanism, eliminating toxins and impurities from pores, however this mechanism is often affected by many factors such as environment, hormones… Therefore, the effectiveness

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Pexels.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

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7 days detox for beautiful baby-like skin


Morning: Start the first morning of the week with a glass of hot honey lemon water to detox your skin, improve your digestive system and warm your body about 30 minutes before eating.

Dinner: About 1-2 hours after your main meal, eat a box of unsweetened yogurt.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Pexels.


Morning: Wash your face thoroughly and exfoliate with a mixture of banking soda, lemon and egg whites.

Evening: Drink some filtered water and wash your face to steam with your favorite essential oil.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Pexels.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

When do you need to detox your skin and what is the most effective way to detox your skin?


Morning: After 2 days of drinking lemon honey detox water, the body seems to have gotten used to this regimen.

Dinner: Eat a bowl of salad with a little cheese to enhance the flavor.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Veggie Chick.


Morning: Banana smoothie combined with coconut milk or yogurt will be a great choice for Thursday morning. Bananas are an easy-to-find fruit and contain high nutrients, good support for the digestive system and health.

Evening: After washing your face, apply a moisturizing and skin-brightening mask with natural ingredients.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Allrecipes.


Morning: Steam your face with warm water or your favorite essential oil after washing your face, similar to Tuesday’s dinner.

Evening: Drink a fruit smoothie of your choice.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Feasting not Fasting.


Morning: Refresh your morning drink with a glass of apple cinnamon detox water.

Dinner: Eat a box of yogurt mixed with chopped fruit.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Detox Water.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

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On the weekend, you should let your skin and body rest.

7 days of detox helps your skin become bright, healthy and smooth like a baby

Photo: Pexels.

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