10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person

10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person 2

Let’s take a look at some common signs of quietly strong people in life with ELLE!

1) You are well aware of your own value

Photo: Pexels/Wesley Davi

A quietly strong person is someone who is always aware of their own value.

10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person

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2) You are not easily influenced by other people’s words

As a person of quiet strength, you possess a resilient ego coupled with a steadfast will.

3) You are not afraid to admit mistakes

For you, admitting mistakes is not an act of showing incompetence or asking for forgiveness.

4) Silence helps you relax

10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person

Photo: Unsplash/Daiga Ellaby

Have you ever experienced a situation where you were discussing an issue enthusiastically, and suddenly the conversation fell into endless silence?

5) You listen more

One of the common misconceptions about leaders is that they are talkers.

6) You bring peace to everyone

Try to remember if anyone ever shared that your presence was the reason for their peace of mind?

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7) You are confident and humble

10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person

Photo: Unsplash/ Tetiana Kobzeva

It’s difficult to blend both confident and humble personalities at the same time, but that’s not a problem for people with hidden strengths.

8) You attract attention even when you’re not paying attention

Because you are a humble person, you never try to seek attention from people.

9) You always maintain ethical standards

People who possess hidden power are clearly aware of right and wrong.

10) You lead by action

10 signs that prove you are a quietly strong person

Photo: Unsplash/Josh Hild

In contrast to the directive leadership style, you lead people more through action.

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