Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from?

Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from? 4

Pokémon are clearly good friends for trainers.

Note: This article contains disturbing graphic images

It is known that the animated Pokémon cooking video was produced by the YouTube channel brainqueen.

Brainqueen chose a very bright color tone for the video, with gentle background music like any regular cooking channel.

After brainqueen’s video was released, many people asked the question: How will the characters in Pokémon eat without livestock to provide meat?

Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from?

Nintendo addressed this question in the most recent update to the main Pokémon series, Sword and Shield on Nintendo Switch, with the feature for both human characters and Pokémon to eat sausage curry.

Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from?

Although fans never received a clear answer as to where the meat in the Pokémon world comes from, it seems that this is not a serious problem for this franchise.

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