What would a baby born in space look like?

What would a baby born in space look like? 0

To achieve the goal of conquering farther places in the universe, one of the scientific issues that need attention is human fertility.

Up to this point, the number of female astronauts who have been to space is about 60, but none conceived during the trip, and obviously could not give birth in microgravity conditions.

But with the ambition to explore deeper into the universe, at some point humans must consider giving birth somewhere other than Earth.

The difference when giving birth in space

Obviously, giving birth in space and on Earth must be different, and the most prominent point is the microgravity environment.

In a microgravity environment, the possibility of osteoporosis will increase.

Even on the ground, doctors advise women with osteoporosis to avoid giving birth naturally.

What will happen to the child?

Science has proven that a child’s structure is greatly influenced by how it is born, for example the size of our head will be limited by the size of the mother’s birth canal.

That’s not the only change, even the child’s skin color will change.

More melanin means darker skin.

And after all, when it comes to that stage, perhaps it is better to consider people born in space as a new species.

Reference: IFL Science, Business Insider

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