President Putin: Russian weapons are superior to NATO weapons

President Putin: Russian weapons are superior to NATO weapons 0

(Dan Tri) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said that domestically produced weapons are superior to NATO weapons models.

Russian soldiers fire artillery in Ukraine (Photo: Sputnik).

`Our defense industry demonstrates very good speed and quality of work. If we compare with NATO’s modern weapons, the weapons of the late Soviet period are inferior

`If we consider our newest weapons, they are clearly superior to everyone. This is an obvious truth,` Mr. Putin emphasized.

President Putin said he was referring to `missile equipment, armored vehicles and everything used on the battlefield`.

Mr. Putin said the output of the Russian defense industry is growing steadily.

`Russia’s defense industry plants are carrying out a huge amount of work, so to speak, in three consecutive shifts. The production of various basic types of vehicles is being mastered, while the mass

According to President Putin, Russia sold billions of dollars worth of weapons abroad last year.

`I must say that last year, what was unusual was that we also supplied a fair amount of our military equipment to the world market, worth billions of dollars,` Mr. Putin added.

`For defense enterprises in general and enterprises in Tula in particular, of course now we all understand that there is a requirement for capacity. The Pantsir system is in great demand. I must say

However, according to Mr. Putin, these complexes are also very necessary in Russia.

President Putin said tank production in Russia has increased fivefold since the start of the special military campaign and automobile production has increased sevenfold.

According to the Kremlin boss, over the past year and a half, all resources of the Russian government and weapons manufacturers have been deployed to support soldiers participating in the special military campaign in Ukraine.

President Putin pointed out the `key` to success on the battlefield, saying that whoever is better able to adapt to opponents will win.

According to Putin, victory will belong to those who not only adapt quickly to the means used by their opponents, but also `create their own, more effective capabilities`.

`Whoever completes this faster will be the winner,` Mr. Putin said, declaring that this is the nature of modern warfare.

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