5 brutal fairy tales not for children 2

5 brutal fairy tales not for children

1. The woman transforms. The story originates from Italy, about two old sisters living together in a house near the king’s castle. The younger sister was stuck on a tree branch, dying. The fairies heard her cry for help and came to help, making her young and beautiful again. When she heard that her sister…

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Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from? 4

Where does meat in the Pokémon world come from?

Pokémon are clearly good friends for trainers. Note: This article contains disturbing graphic images It is known that the animated Pokémon cooking video was produced by the YouTube channel brainqueen. Brainqueen chose a very bright color tone for the video, with gentle background music like any regular cooking channel. After brainqueen’s video was released, many…

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What would a baby born in space look like? 0

What would a baby born in space look like?

To achieve the goal of conquering farther places in the universe, one of the scientific issues that need attention is human fertility. Up to this point, the number of female astronauts who have been to space is about 60, but none conceived during the trip, and obviously could not give birth in microgravity conditions. But…

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