5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true 1

1. Hybridization of animals and humans

Scientists have revealed that they have created human-animal hybrids in the laboratory.

The original purpose is probably to provide more organs for transplant, but who knows if these experiments are successful beyond expectations, something new will appear.

2. The Illuminati is behind the US government

5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

There are many theories about this mysterious secret society, ranging from artists, actors to politicians.

There is a smaller branch of theory that the Illuminati is related to the US National Security Agency, NSA.

3. Using dead children for testing

5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

In the 1950s, the US Atomic Energy Commission used tissue samples from recently deceased children and infants to test for radioactivity, the most serious threat to humans.

This project was called `Project Sun,` in which more than 1,500 such samples were collected across Europe and Australia.

Years later, an English woman named Jean Prichard reported she was not allowed to dress her stillborn daughter.

4. The CIA seeks to control human minds

5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

The theory that the government has been trying to control the human mind has never been old.

From 1953 to 1964, the CIA secretly supplied many people with the hallucinogenic drug LSD to test the potential of mind control.

In 1973, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the destruction of all records related to MKUltra.

5. Texting with the dead

5 crazy internet conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

In the past, there have been many mysterious stories and theories that the dead can communicate through electronic devices.

Yet, the ability to interact digitally with someone from the other side is not inherently a fantasy.

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