15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1) 2

Harry Potter is a good wizard, but compared to Voldemort, there are many things he cannot overcome.

1. Can fly without using a broom

Harry Potter is famous for many talents, one of which is flying.

2. Create Horcruxes

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

To deceive everyone about his death, Voldemort created seven Horcruxes, each with a piece of his soul hidden inside, allowing him to be resurrected.

3. Mind control

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

Legilimency is one of the most powerful abilities Voldemort possesses.

But everything didn’t work, Voldemort still had enough power to penetrate Harry’s mind, making him mistakenly think that Sirius was being tortured at the Ministry of Magic.

4. Creating unrealistic memories

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

Using magic to erase memories is easy, but creating completely new memories is extremely difficult.

5. Cursing ability

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

Voldemort is insensitive, selfish, vindictive, and above all, petty.

6. Create an army of zombies

15 secret things that only Voldemort can do, but Harry Potter cannot (Part 1)

In the wizarding world, many mythical creatures are real: unicorns, werewolves, even giants.

7. Shake hands with the dementors

One of the creatures that Voldemort and his followers cooperated with the most were the dementors of Azkaban.

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